Update 21st March 2011


A lot of practicing and laughter last night.  Went to the Islay Inn after and joined in a few tunes including The Bloody Fields of Flanders (in D not A but it is the same finger positions one string removed)

We are currently plotting a practice session one Saturday May/June and will put the date on the events page  once we find a date that suits enough people.


2 Responses to “Update 21st March 2011”

  1. neil beck Says:

    I was also at the islay inn session on Mon – just for a quick beer tho’, no playing for me.
    While there I heard a cracking tune being played “Drowsy Maggie”. Never heard it before although I am assured it is really popular.

    I think we should try and play this. Ambitious? – I think not, I reckon with a little effort we could do this. Looking at the music, it doesnt seem too hard and sounds great. See what u think.

    Tune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASav6TPI71Q&NR=1
    Music: http://www.nigelgatherer.com/tunes/whistle/whi1/drows.html


  2. Valerie Says:

    Hi Neil,

    I heard this tune before and liked it too.

    We don’t do teaching/learning at our Monday sessions as there are so many tunes to practice already but maybe it can be one for one of our next tutored sessions – so many tunes to choose from.

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